With a Master’s Degree in School Adjustment Counseling, I have realized that many children often have difficulty in adjusting to life changes such as the death of a loved one, parent’s divorcing or even being anxious about life in general. With their use of social media, they also have this added pressure to fit in “as my friends are doing it”. This is why it is vital to get your child or teen therapy as soon as possible.

The child you see in front of you is one you might not even recognize. Instead of laughter and spending time with the family, your child’s behaviour has changed. They no longer communicate with you and would rather be in their room with the door closed. They have become experts at answering sentences with just one or two words and maybe in also making you feel like you are the worst parent in the world.

Children express emotions differently than adults. At times, they are not able to expressly state what is causing their emotions or feelings or might not know how to put their feelings into words. Getting child or teen therapy as soon as you notice a change is extremely important. The sooner they address their stressors, the more beneficial it is in the long run.

At our initial consult call please come prepared to talk about your child’s issues. Any background information that you think would be helpful for treatment, such as: what was your child’s behaviour before you became concerned, what caused you to become concerned. The tools and strategies you tried before and what worked and what didn’t work and what your main priorities for treatment are.

Areas of speciality for child and teen therapy

Autism Spectrum Disorders




Academic Performance

Behavioural Challenges

Coping Skills

Coping With Life Stressors


Family/Friends Relationships (bullying, peer pressure)

Grief Counseling

Increase Self-Esteem

